Kui Sina ei armasta kookost..siis see postitus pole Sulle,,,siin on kookos kookosega ja veel extra kookost!
Otsutasin ka proovida Chia seemne pudingut,,ja oi oi kui lihtne seda teha on.
Panin kaussi 2 supilusikatäit chia seemneid,kookosepiima suts kreeka jogurtit segasin k6ik ilusti läbi lasin kulmkapis umbes 45 minutit seista ja enne söömist lisasin veel kookose siirupit ning kookose chipse mis olid kerge soolaka mekiga,nagu pakil kirjas siis meresoolaga.
Chia seemnetel on hea omadus moodustada zeleetaolist ainet ning tänu sellele on hea teha pudingit v6i tarretisi.
Maitse oli niii m6nuuus..kartsin et v6ibolla kookose uledoos aga eieiie just see kreeka jogut t6mbab maitse balanssi = ) selline mahe mahe maitse pisikese hapuka alatooniga...nämps!
Miks Ma varem pole seda teinud,,homme t6ttan taas poodi kookospiima ostma.
( jaa Ma käin nuud igapäev poes..vahest lausa ei osta midagi..aga noo mis teha kui pood jääb jalutus tiirule ette )
Chia seeds pudding.
ATTENTION if You dont love coconut then this pudding isnt for You :P
But still i know You LOVE coconut =)
This pudding was sooooo easy to make that I wonder why I havent made it before.
Add 2 tablespoon Chia seeds to bowl and coconut milk some Greek joghurt mix it well.
Let it set in fridge about 45 minits. Before eating i served My pudding with coconut syrup and also with coconut chips..YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...overdose :D but actually taste was ver very creamy and that Greek yoghurt added some sour note to pudding so dont scare that coconut taste is overpowering.
Did i mention that ITS SUPPER HEALTHY !
ATTENTION if You dont love coconut then this pudding isnt for You :P
But still i know You LOVE coconut =)
This pudding was sooooo easy to make that I wonder why I havent made it before.
Add 2 tablespoon Chia seeds to bowl and coconut milk some Greek joghurt mix it well.
Let it set in fridge about 45 minits. Before eating i served My pudding with coconut syrup and also with coconut chips..YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...overdose :D but actually taste was ver very creamy and that Greek yoghurt added some sour note to pudding so dont scare that coconut taste is overpowering.
Did i mention that ITS SUPPER HEALTHY !
Tomorrow I go to shop to buy some more coconut milk and I will make it again.
Stay positive My People
Stay positive My People
Kõlab fantastiliselt!!
ReplyDeleteMina proovisin täna üleüldse elus esimest korda chia seemneid. Homseks hommikuks panin ka lapsele maiuse külmkappi.
ReplyDeleteSelline lihtne retsept: http://www.siitnurgastjasealtnurgast.ee/2015/01/chia-ja-kookospiima-puding.html
Ja tundub, et kookospiima hakkab meie peres minema nüüd rohkem :D